If you are travelling with a pet we strongly recommend booking a kennel. You can add one to your booking via My Booking. Our kennels are located on ventilated decks. Fresh water is supplied and pets are checked regularly throughout the sailing.
Bedding is not provided. Please bring bedding for the kennel and if your pet has any other requirements please advise our crew at the time of boarding.
For safety reasons, passengers are not permitted to access the vehicle decks to visit pets while at sea.
One kennel must be booked per pet unless the animal is a mother with pups or kittens.
Smaller animals such as rabbits**, guinea pigs**, ferrets, birds or chickens should be carried in their own carrier and then placed into a kennel.
**There are restrictions on bringing fodder (hay) into Tasmania as food or bedding for your rabbit or guinea pig. Please ensure your small pet travels with enough food and water to sustain him for his journey. We recommend shredded newspaper as a supplement for hay as bedding for the journey.
Tasmania has strict rules about bringing any plant, fruit or vegetable material into Tasmania. Please ensure these items are not inside your small pet’s carrier upon arrival into the state.
Your small pet and its carrier will be inspected by Biosecurity officers at point of entry into the state. A fee for service may apply.